Teodoro, Manuel P., Samantha Zuhlke, and David Switzer. Forthcoming. "The Profits of Distrust: Citizen-Consumers, Drinking Water, and the Crisis of Confidence in American Government. . Cambridge University Press
Switzer, David and Jun Deng. Forthcoming. "Specialized Government and Water Conservation Policy." Urban Affairs Review. (Link to be added)
Robin Saywitz and David Switzer. Forthcoming. "Who Benefits from Special District Service Delivery?: Water Affordability in the United States." Public Administration Quarterly. (Link to be added)
Zhang, Youlaing, Manuel P. Teodoro, and David Switzer. 2021. "Public Water Waste Reporting: Contextual Correlates and Conservation Outcomes." Water Resources Research 57 (4): e2020WR027805.
Switzer, David, Weijie Wang, and Lacey Hirschvogel. 2020. "Municipal Utilities and Covid-19: Challenges, Responses, and Collaboration." The American Review of Public Administration 50 (6-7): 577-583.
Teodoro, Manuel P., Youlang Zhang, and David Switzer. 2020. "Political Decoupling: Private Implementation of Public Policy." Policy Studies Journal 48 (2): 401-424.
Switzer, David. 2020. "The Context of Responsiveness: Resident Preferences, Water Scarcity, and Municipal Conservation Policy." Review of Policy Research 37 (2): 260-279.
Switzer, David. 2019. "Getting off the (Water) Bottle: Constraining or Embracing Individual Liberty in the Pursuit of the Public Interest." Ethics, Policy & Environment 22 (3): 331-348.
Switzer, David. 2019. "Citizen Partisanship, Local Government, and Environmental Policy Implementation." Urban Affairs Review 55 (3): 675-702.
Switzer, David and Manuel P. Teodoro. 2019. “Comment on ‘U.S. Urban Water Prices: Cheaper When Drier’ by Ian H. Luby, Stephen Polasky, and Deborah L. Swakhamer.” Water Resources Research 55 (7): 6316-6321.
Switzer, David. 2019. "Introducing a New Measure of Residential Water Rate Progressivity." AWWA Water Science 1(2): e1132.
Switzer, David and Manuel P. Teodoro. 2018. "Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Justice in Safe Drinking Water Compliance." Social Science Quarterly 99(2): 524-535.
Teodoro, Manuel P., Mellie Haider, and David Switzer. 2018. "U.S. Environmental Policy Implementation on Tribal Lands: Trust, Neglect, and Justice." Policy Studies Journal 46(1): 37-59.
Switzer, David and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. "Investigating the Determinants and Effects of Local Drought Awareness." Weather, Climate, and Society 9(4): 641-657.
Switzer, David and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. "Green Colored Lenses: Worldviews and Motivated Reasoning in the Case of Local Water Scarcity." Environment & Behavior 49(7): 719-744.
Teodoro, Manuel P. and David Switzer. 2016. "Drinking from the Talent Pool: A Resource Theory of Human Capital and Agency Performance." Public Administration Review 76(4): 564-575.
Switzer, David, Manuel P. Teodoro, and Stuart Karasik. 2016. "The Human Capital Resource Challenge: Recognizing and Overcoming Small Utility Workforce Obstacles." Journal of the American Water Works Association 108(8): E416-E424.
Switzer, David and Nicole Frances Angeli. 2016. "Human and Non-Human Migration: Understanding Species Introduction and Translocation through Migration Ethics." Environmental Values 25(4):443-463.
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